April 30, 2012


Two days ago on April 28, 2012 a strong Nor'wester hit in our areas along with four disticts. It mainly hit in our whole working areas like Khulna, Bagerhut and Satkhira. So many people died and injured, the cattle died and crops completely damaged. This is the time to harvest rice, grow summer vegetables and grow summer agricultural fruits like melon and others. So almost everything is damaged. http://www.edailystar.com/index.php?opt=view&page=9&date=2012-04-29

Orphanage Dining hall
Orphanage Dining hall

Our kitchen in Home of Love and other temporary houses of Chicken farm completely damaged.

Chicken farm

We lost our very importent resources for our orphans. On the other hand So many of our school childrens house also destroyed. We are uploading some pictures here. 

Damaged Chicken Farm

Destroyed Chicken farm

We are looking forward to fix up everything in our Orphanage and Chicken farms and stand beside our Pre- School Childen,our women groups & our localities as well.

"So please pray for those who are suffering."

April 20, 2012

Year 2012

Year 2012 started with new targets and views to serve better in our target areas. We started to serve two more new areas which are Bagerhut and Satkhira districts. Presently we are serving for three districts in the Coastal area in the southern part of the country. We also started some new programs and projects, which are:
  • Emergency Health Assistance for Pre School Children
  • Community Concern &
  • Children's Spiritual Club
existing with the other regular projects which are:
  • Home of Love - boys orphanage 
  • Pre- School - quality education program
  • Self Sufficiency Initiatives - women group 
  • Emergency Response - during natural disaster

January 28, 2011

New Year, New Opportunities

The children at Home of Love and Love Bangladesh pre-school has just started their new school year. They are excited. They have got something that not all children in this area have; They have got an opportunity to study. The children studying at LBM pre-school is from the poorest of the poor families in Horintana, Bangladesh. This opportunity can change their lives and their future, and the students are well aware of it.

Below are some pictures from LBM taken during december 2010/january 2011:
Some of the children living in Home of Love

School lunch is being served. There is also time for play....

This is how the school - and orphanange building looks like today

Left picture: The previous home for the orphan boys (left building) is now dining place. Right Picture: The cook and her kitchen at LBM Campus.

LBM's goal is to one day be able to have enough income to be self - sufficient. There is still some work needed to be done before we can achieve that goal, but we have some income from farming, fish production as well as chicken farming.

Some of the children in Home of Love have attended college. We hope that we will be able to raise a stipend - program for those who are interested, so that they can continue to higher studies. There is a lot of needs, and limited of resources. We will never be able to help them all, but we hope that we can bring hope and future for some of the needy children in this area. The work we are doing in this area has affected the local society in different ways. The self - sufficient groups gives the women opportunity to borrow money. Often they use the money to buy fish-net for fishing or chicken for egg -production. These groups brings the woment together, and it gives them confidence to start their own businesses.
We are greatful for all the support we have recieved!

Below is a song written by Rob Halligan after a visit to LBM in 2009: